Our DC weekend (with the iphone)

We just returned late last night from a whirlwind trip to our Nation’s Capital. What an exhausting, hot-as-hell, overpacked, incredibly FUN weekend we had!  We were going for business….one of our wedding couples invited us to DC to photograph their engagement session, but since the kids have been studying the U.S. in depth this year in homeschool, we decided to pack them up for the journey too! I was super jazzed for a road trip. I absolutely LOVE road trips. This one did not disappoint. Besides Priya’s moments of feeling car sick on curvy mountains, I’ve decided my kids are ideal road-trippers, even without TV or any electronics.  They were troopers for over 9 hours there, and back. Of course, we needed someone to watch the kids while we were working, so Brett’s brother Jason agreed to come be a part of the adventure too.

Here are some of the iphone pics we snagged which you may have already seen if you follow me or Brett on Instagram…..

From Thursday morning-Monday night we….
-drove 9.5 hours
-photographed a posh home in Georgetown
-took a trolley tour of the whole city
-realized the AC had blown in the place we were renting
-sweated and laughed that it was in the 90’s all weekend
-ate Turkish food
-photographed an awesome couple for a day
-visited 4 or 5 museums (it’s a little blurry now)
-ate TONS of gelato, many times
-walked and sweated more
-watched the kids try Ethiopian food for the first time
-then we all tried Native American food for the first time
-photographed a super cute family session
-dropped Uncle J at the airport and hug/kissed/thanked him for being so amazing
-drove 9 hours back
*It should be noted, I also popped a couple Ibuprofens during this timeframe.

We lovingly nicknamed the trip, “One big hot useless shower.”
It was a a super great adventure.