Booking season is here!

I can hardly believe these temps are already happening in Cincinnati. Today will be 80 degrees?!! What?!  My crocuses and daffodils are in full bloom, and our house is already feeling muggy. All I can think about is….”Where was winter? Did I miss it?” Cincy’s winter was less than stellar (more like flat-out sucked), but I’m facing the facts, and entertaining the idea of spring arriving very early.
Normally we have around 50 degree weather in March and I’m just starting to open our schedule for the year, but this weather is making me feel like I’m running behind! Soooo…..
I am happy to announce that we’re officially BOOKING portrait sessions for 2012! For those who have patiently sat on our waiting list, we THANK YOU, very sincerely. I will be in contact very soon.  For those of you considering booking your family, child, maternity, engagement, Senior, or head-shot session, please contact us to book as early as possible. Because we limit the amount of shoots we take on per year, we typically fill up for the year by late May.
We’re excited for a new year of shooting, and looking forward to the faces and places we’ll be meeting this year.

Here are two new little faces we had the pleasure of meeting in early 2012. How precious are they?