Martha & David {wedding}

Surrounded by loving family and friends, Martha and David celebrated their beautiful union. The day went easily and was stress-free, and wonderful memories were made. Best of all, Martha and David were able to commit themselves to each other and begin their new life together. Brett and I were very honored to be able to document it for them!

Holly and Kyle {love}

I have to say, this session is quite special for me. When we began our photography business eight years ago I knew I would fall more in love with the craft, the documentation, and the art. I didn’t consider there would be people who would come to us repeatedly over the years, allowing us to see their joys, their pain, and watch chapters unfold in their story. It has been the best gift. This is one of those chapters.

Holly contacted me years ago…a sweet high school girl, looking for someone to take artistic senior photos for her. Months later we did that session; she was a joy, and I knew I would be seeing her again. Since then we have done sessions documenting her going through college, working through her mom’s cancer, and just being a family. She became one of our first babysitters to our children, and also became our friend. It’s fabulous how lives converge and become intertwined.

And now she has her man. They have known each other for years but now are tied together–making the union official next September. He’s so good for her and to her.

These photos are a new chapter for Holly, but most importantly, a chapter of Kyle and Holly together. Looking forward to documenting more to come….
