Week 17.

The 52 Project

“A photo of each child, every week of 2014″



(1) March/April were consumed with studying. I felt like we were eating, sleeping, breathing facts. Our boys committed to trying to achieve what is known as a “Memory Master” within our local Classical Conversations group. After studying day and night, help from parents and grandparents, four separate rounds of proofing, they made it! To earn this honor they had to memorize over 500 facts word for word (some facts being small paragraphs) including: 161 events and people in a chronological timeline, 24 history sentences to add depth to our timeline (including Charlemagne, Renaissance, Reformation and World Wars), 44 U.S. presidents, over 100 locations and geographic features in Europe, Asia, and select parts of the world, 24 Science facts (including biomes, planets, laws of motion, and laws of thermodynamics), Latin Verb endings of the first conjugation, English grammar facts (including pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs), multiplication tables up to 15×15, common squares and cubes, as well as basic geometry formulas and unit conversations. 

I would like to take this time to say this would not have been possible without strong coffee, countless prayer, help from grandparents, tears, an occasional margarita, will power, and most importantly, God’s  mercy and grace.

We’re so proud of our boys!


(2) If you follow us on Instagram (@jesszwo @brettzwo) then you know about our kitten saga. It will be coming to a close this week as families begin picking them up and giving them loving homes. We’ve had a few tears, especially from Gabe, but I know it will be a good life lesson for these kiddos. Gabe has been wrapping up his babies and giving them special love before they go.


(3 & 4) As Priya closed out her 8th grade (Challenge B) with our CC group, she took part in a mock trial along with other groups of 8th graders in Cincinnati. She studied a murder case throughout her second semester, and then was assigned the role as the lead detective on prosecution. As a key witness, she had to stand up against a defense team of 8th graders that she had never met–in a real courthouse, with a real judge! I was SO nervous watching, but she rocked it!


It was an incredibly proud week for us as parents. :)

Brooke, Doug, and Henry (take II)

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We first photographed this sweet family back in 2012, three weeks after they brought Henry home. Brett and I were both so moved by the love and emotions involved in that session, and it still remains a favorite of ours to this day.

We were completely booked last fall and not taking anymore sessions when I got an email from Brooke saying they were moving away. They wanted one last Ohio session! Of course there was no way we could turn them down.

Seeing how Henry had grown into a little mini-man just made our day. He was so loving and polite, even addressing Brett and I by name. It took everything in me to not just hug that little charmer the whole time! And Brooke and Doug….such amazing parents. What a beautifully tight knit bond they have created together.

Such a precious family.
