Sonya, David, Addison & Eli {family}

It is family session time around here for us!

First up is this beautiful little family of four who chose to have their session in one of our favorite towns, Yellow Springs.  Brett went to High School with Sonya so it was fun hanging out and getting to know her family. She and David have two adorable boys, Addison (4), and Eli (1 and a half).

Addison said at this point, “I’m just a really happy kid.”

The photo below exemplifies that sentiment with his little feet off the ground.  ;)

I’m a sucker for brother love.

Eli is such a chill, sweet, little dude.

I can’t help but imagine this photo below being something that his children will have hanging on their walls, as a look back in history.

Sonya and David, you have a wonderful little family.

Thanks so much for doing a session with us, and bookmarking your family at this point in your lives.  :)

a lil’ family stay-cation.

A couple of weeks ago we took the day off and had a mini-vacation here in Cincy.  We started off the day by heading down to one of our favorite spots, Coffee Emporium, for some tasty treats and the most yummilous coffee in town. We were shocked to run into some out of town friends as soon as we got there….funny thing is we were really bummed as we had tried to get together with them the day before and it hadn’t worked out due to all the rain. It was so awesome having an unexpected breakfast with them!  :)

Then we headed out to a Cincinnati Reds game. With ALL the rain we’ve been having, we lucked out with perfect weather to enjoy a day game!

My kids chowed on junk food, which is a total “treat” for them.

I thought for sure the kids would be bored by the 5th inning and we would have to leave early. I was shocked that when the 9th began, they were mad I wanted to leave and beat the crowds!  It hit me for the first time that having 3 boys I will most likely be frequenting Reds games….which is completely fine by me!

After that we came home and relaxed. The next day I forced Brett to help me clean out our storage closet and I donated 14 bags of clothes, and also have 8 bags for our upcoming yard sale. Wow to feeling like a hoarder.

We also picked out our new hard wood floor for our kitchen renovation. (Yay!!!)  :) We checked to see what it would look like with the cute antique table I snagged, and I think they are going to look great together!

Can’t wait to share more on our first floor renovation soon.